If you work with Microsoft software regularly (with Windows operating system or MS Office suite), maybe you find something strange many times. It may be, that you know about the strange functions in Microsoft's software, but it should be good to refresh your memory.
Just note that some specific and strange functions can have a rational explanation.
Unable to create a CON folder
Run your Explorer or another file manager and try to create a folder name CON. It will fail. Where is the reason? Why we cannot create another folders like PRN, AUX, CLOCK$, NUL, COM1, LPT2 or similar?
These words were used in old MS-DOS operating system many years before. They describe several hardware components, so the user couldn't create the folder with names used for printers (e g.). However it is strange, why this is still problem in Windows Vista. Maybe because of compatibility with old software?
512 pages in Word fast and easily
The next tip is for MS Word users. If you need to quickly create 512 pages filled basically with meaningless and several times repeated text, paste into the Word this text =rand (200, 99) and press the Enter key. You will see some information from Word's help system. It should work in Word 2007 and older versions.
Unknown characters in Notepad
Run Notepad and insert a string with words length of four, three, three and five characters, e. g. AAAA BBB CCC DDDDD. Save the file, close it, and then try to reopen it. You will see something different than the text you inserted before. If your Vista computer has support for Chinese characters, you will see much more, try it.
This tip doesn't work on Windows Vista, but you could try it on Windows XP. And what is the reason for this unknown characters in Notepad displayed? This application has a problem with Unicode characters (on Windows XP) and it is related to this detection.
If you like these tips and know about more interesting tips, jokes and easter eggs in software, let know to me and other readers of Maxiorel.com by posting a comment below.